Intestazione Rivista Psicologia dell'Educazione
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La rivista quadrimestrale a carattere scientifico e professionale si rivolge a insegnanti, dirigenti scolastici, operatori dei
contesti educativi e formativi, psicologi dello sviluppo, dell’educazione e della formazione e vuole essere espressione della ricerca psicologica nell’ampio e variegato settore educativo

Put all the phones on the desk... Today we study, stop playing!”

 Massimo Faggioli

The article discusses the problem of the progressive decline of student motivation. One of the causes for this disaffection of young people in the study can be traced back to poor capacity of the school to innovate the learning environments, which to a large extent are still functional to a teaching transmission, based almost exclusively on the use of the textbook and the lecture. The introduction of digital technologies in the classes can help the school to face the essential change in this scenario, making the learning environment closer to the languages and communication practices of students and re-creating an environment based on the teaching laboratory and on learning by doing that got lost with the rise of mass school. This can only happen if the introduction of the digital technologies in the classroom brings a real change of strategies and teaching methods, in order to help set up innovative learning environments.


The Buona Scuola and the Movement of the Avanguardie Educative for innovation and school improvement

Antonella Turchi

The article discusses the educational innovation, topic that has never been the subject of specific legislative measures, but that was the subject of good teaching practices promoted by Italian schools. The problem of innovative teaching was its documentation and dissemination, in order to be exported to other educational settings and act as a driving force for the entire system.

The National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research (INDIRE) has always tried to bring out this innovation. The latest initiative in order of time was the promotion of the Avanguardie Educative (Educational Vanguards) Movement, which promotes the dissemination of innovative ideas generated within schools, combining them with the purposes of the Law n. 107/2015 in the parts where it promotes educational innovation and school improvement.


Mathematical difficulties: psychoeducational trainings in numerical and visuo-spatial abilities

Mirian Agus, Maria Lidia Mascia, Maria Chiara Fastame e Maria Pietronilla Penna

Many researches highlighted the central part engaged by visual-spatial abilities in the improvement of mathematical skills in childhood. This study was aimed at examining the effect of a visuo-spatial and/or mathematical psychoeducational training for the enhancement of mathematical skills in 146 second graders recruited in some primary schools located in Sardinia. Participants were presented with pencil-and-paper and/or computerized version of the trainings. Experimental groups were trained for 3 months, once per week. At pre and post-test all participants were presented with tests assessing numerical and visuo-spatial abilities. Our results suggest that the combination of computer-assisted and pencil-and-paper versions of visuo-spatial and mathematical trainings is more effective than the execution of a single and selective numerical or visuo-spatial treatment.


Learning approach and LD: differences between three kinds of disabilities

Alice Cancer, Isabella Maria Cadirola, Marisa Giorgetti, Giancarlo Scotti e Alessandro Antonietti

Scores in the Learning Processes Questionnaire (Poláček, 2005) obtained by three matched groups of 11 students each, aged 9-18 yrs. (M=12.97; SD=2.1) were analysed. Participants were recruited at COSPES Centre in Milan between 2008 and 2013 and were divided into three groups according to their clinical diagnosis of Learning Disability: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Nonverbal Learning Disability (NLD) profiles. The three groups showed different learning approaches depending on grade level. Students with Dyslexia attending primary and junior high school showed difficulties in learning consolidation, high school students with Dyscalculia in metacognition and self-regulation, whereas students with NLD showed a more efficient approach to learning.


Tablet at school: a new challenge for teachers

Elena Gatti, Laura Morganti, Daniela Villani, Claudia Carissoli, Emanuela Confalonieri e Giuseppe Riva

In the last years, many public funding are distributed among Italian high schools to buy the tablet and new technologies, but today there are few analysis and tests about their usability and their efficacy in the teaching. This study explores the vocational training about the tablet use, the emotive and affective attitudes in 72 teachers of three high schools. At the first time are administered six focus groups, then, in the second time, another group of teachers completed a survey online. Results delineate three profiles of teachers that use the tablet at school. Article discusses the principal results and the future consequences for the use of tablet in Italian schools.


Non-Word Blending test: a new tool for the assessment of the phonological awareness of dyslexic children 

Maria Chiara Fastame, Anna Cardis, Grazia Campus, Silvana Grispu, Annalisa Melinu, Paola Urru e Maria Assunta Zanetti

The current study was mainly aimed at investigating the convergent validity of a new test assessing blending skills for pseudo-words, as well as at exploring the capacity of that new tool of discriminating phonological awareness efficiency of typically developing and dyslexic children. A sample of 34 children attending the third-fifth grades of the primary school was presented a battery of tests assessing phonological awareness, reading and writing skills. Current outcomes suggest that the new test correlates significantly with different reading, writing and phonological awareness measures. Besides, the new pseudo-words blending test can detect the performance differences between dyslexic and typically developing children. 



The Teen STAR program for sex education: A pilot evaluation study

Elena Canzi, Maria Giulia Olivari, Miriam Parise e Laura Ferrari

The purpose of this study is to evaluate, on an exploratory basis, the Teen STAR program for sex education which is aimed at promoting a greater awareness of one’s body, affective and relational dimensions, and to favor responsible and autonomous decisions. Two courses attended by 34 adolescents were evaluated. The study explored perception of change after the participation in the courses with regard to level of knowledge of sexuality-related themes, communication openness with parents, information sources about sexuality, self-esteem, ability to resist peer pressure, and satisfaction for the course. The participation in the program favored an increased knowledge on sexuality, a more positive self-image and a better ability to resist peer pressure to adopt risky behaviors. Finally, participants reported a medium-high level of satisfaction for the course.


Adolescents at school: burnout, engagement, social relationships and resilience

Linda Belloni e Gabriella Sabia

This study explores the association between school burnout, engagement, social relationships and resilience in a group of Italian adolescents, with specific regard to gender differences. Three hundred-ten students (53.5% females, mean age M = 14.5; SD=1.63) from middle and high schools joined the survey. Results showed burnout is negatively related to engagement, resilience and positive social relationships with peers and teachers. Moreover, social relationships positively relate to engagement and resilience. Significant gender differences emerged in various aspects of burnout (exhaustion), resilience (reintegration with loss) and relationships (with peers). Practical implications are discussed.


Resilience creativity and coping: study on a group of adolescentsLaura Compagnucci

The study, initially, examined the correlation between the constructs of resilience, creativity and coping. It is also analyzed, through a hierarchical multiple regression models, which construct predict better resilience. Three self reports – RPQ, TCD, COPE – NVI – were administered to 211 students (44 males and 167 females) aged 15 to 19 years (M = 16.68, SD = 0.92). The results showed that all the variables appear to be related to each other, with the highest associations between some scales of the coping and resilience. Furthermore, the three types of resilience have always predicted joint influence of creativity with some coping strategies. Let’s explore the implications in clinical and educational in the light of the results found.

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